Food & Fuel
Helping school children, their families and the wider community, save money by reducing the Cost to Cook.
We have created a wealth of material perfect for individuals or to assist your KS3 lessons. You can access a range of webinars, assemblies and cook-alongs designed for everyone. Our aim is to help everyone in the community to eat well whilst cutting the Cost to Cook by exploring fuel efficient cooking methods.
Access the sample resources below or sign-up now to receive the full set of resources completely free.
Why Food & Fuel?
A large number of people within our communities are struggling to afford healthy meals for their households. With high inflation on the costs of food and energy, which are both key to health & wellbeing, households are looking for ways to reduce expenditure. Even if a food bank or pantry can provide free or low-cost food parcels, it still costs money for the energy to prepare the meals. UKHarvest are on the Food and Fuel Mission to save everyone money by reducing the cost to cook good food.
What is the impact of Food and Fuel?
The partnership between UK Power Networks, Cadent, and UKHarvest aims to reach up to 20,000 pupils and their families in schools across the East of England. This project will help people to eat well for less and cut the cost of cooking by exploring fuel efficient methods, introducing new technologies and revisiting some traditional essentials.
How can our school get involved in Food and Fuel?
Fill in a simple form and become a Food and Fuel Partner School.
How do I become a Food and Fuel Ambassador?
We want as many people as possible to be able to save money on their cost to cook and we need your help. Work through the cost to cook case studies and tell others about it, this could be through social media posts tagging @ukharvest, by designing posters to put up in school or around the local area, by discussing different ways of cooking within your household and making a great meal from the recipes provided on here. Become a Food and Fuel Ambassador today!
Our Online Lessons
Take a look at these short clips taken from our online lessons to get an idea of what we cover. Sign up now to access the full video lessons!
Fuel Efficient Recipes
These recipes are taken from our cook-along style video lessons. Sign up now to access to all our recipes and the full video lessons!
Chicken Korma With Roti Bread
Chicken Drumsticks With Blue Cheese Slaw
Lesson Notes And Teaching Resources

Food Miles

Food Security
Cost To Cook Case Studies
Our ambassadors and champions have been working hard to show how the choice of cooking appliance can make a massive difference to our spend levels through our Cost to Cook case studies.
Safety First
Safety Statement
UKHarvest will do everything possible to reduce the risk of injury, domestic accidents, fires or food poisoning during the cook-a-long sessions. However, as no representative of UKHarvest is present during your sourcing, storage, preparation, cooking and serving of food, UKHarvest is not responsible for any domestic accidents, fires or food poisoning that could result from preparation of the recipes.
Take CHARGE with electrical safety
Remember that electricity isn’t a toy. You could be seriously hurt if you mess about with electrical appliances, electric sockets or electricity flexes in your home. Don’t use damaged or faulty electrical appliances!
You could also be very seriously hurt or killed if you play in substations, near overhead lines on wooden poles or around electricity pylons. Remember that if you see something that is unsafe, speak to an adult or call 105.
Priority Services Register
UK Power Networks keeps the lights on for 8 million homes and businesses in London, South East, and East of England. We want to make sure you are aware of the free support available to you if there is ever a disruption to your power supply. If you or anyone in your household have a serious health issue or impairment, are of pensionable age, or have a child under 5, make sure you register your details on our free Priority Services Register, visiting our website or calling our free number 0800 169 9970. Power cuts do not happen very often; if they do, you and your family will have access to tailored communication, a 24-hour priority support telephone number and other personalised support that could include hot meals. Our team uses real time language translation line to assist you should you need it when you call us.
Additional Information
Read our Press Release here.
Interested in this project? Just email us on: foodandfuel@ukharvest.org.uk
The Food and Fuel project has been made possible by the partnership between UK Power Networks, Cadent and UKHarvest.