Summer Holiday Round up '24
It’s been the most incredible summer for UKHarvest, and although it’s not over yet, the educational and fundraising team wanted to share some of the highlights.
Florence Road Family Play Day
Supporting Clarion Futures and Clarion Housing, UKHarvest hosted an awareness stand at the Family Fun Day held on 14th August. It was amazing to see so many new and familiar faces at the event, where Donna and our volunteers engaged family members of all ages- the strawberries went down a treat!
Swanfield Park Family Fun Day
The Annual Swanfield Park Family Fun Day took place in Chichester where UKHarvest shared information about loving your wonky veg. There were activities and food to share, and the team loved getting to see so many smiling faces.
A2 Dominion Big Impact Day
As part of A2Dominion’s community engagement programme, UKHarvest went along with an awareness stand and lots of information to share with A2’s Chichester Big Impact Day promoting the Swanfield Community Food Hubs, volunteering opportunities at UKHarvest and giving out lots of lovely surplus rescued food from our Donnington hub.
Did you see UKHarvest with their buckets at the performances of ‘Oliver!’ at Chichester Festival Theatre? Members of staff and the volunteer team were collecting donations at the performances over a week in August where they raised an enormous £2k and even connected to a local grower who has now become a new surplus food donor. Huge thanks to the staff and crew at Chichester Festival Theatre for allowing us to talk to the public about the work we do, and to collect donations. Also, a huge thank you to the volunteers who supported UKHarvest during the week.
Knees up on the Park
Continuing with the support for Chichester Festival Theatre, UKHarvest went along to CFT’s first ever ‘Knees up on the Park’ where various charities and organisations from the local area came together on Oaklands Park.
Youth Dream – Selsey Intergenerational Project
UKHarvest joined up with Youth Dream, Selsey, kindly funded by Clarion futures to deliver an intergenerational cooking session to break down barriers between the young and old.
14 young people spent the morning cooking for 8 elderly visitors, where they prepared and cooked a lovely lunch that they shared together, a traditional British favourite – Pasties!
The young people made 3 pasties each, some to eat for lunch, and some for everyone to take home. to share with their families. This was a great opportunity for young and old to share recipes and experiences in a fun and relaxed way on a bright sunny day.
Chichester Boys Club Pizza Making Session
UKHarvest kindly funded by Clarion Housing, delivered a cooking session for 25 young people who made their own pizzas.
The young people created imaginative and nutritious pizzas, trying new and innovative flavour combinations. The session had lots of activities and gave the young people new and exciting ideas about how they might reduce food waste.
Sylvia Beaufoy Youth group
The Youth Group at Sylvia Beaufoy have been testing out some of the recipes from our new NourishEd ‘Learn to Cook’ free online course. We had the pleasure of welcoming the youth group to UKHarvest at Donnington. 7 young people were treated to a site tour and some tasty snacks from our warehouse as well as helping Sarah White, our kitchen manager, re-package food ready to go out to our food hubs!

A lovely afternoon with the intergenerational project organised by Youth Dream, Selsey back in August.

Staff and Volunteers at Chichester Festival Theatre, raising awareness about community support during the production of 'Oliver!' during August.

UKHarvest had an awareness stand at a number of events this summer, including Swanfield Play Day and Florence Park Fun Day.
If you, or someone you know runs a group, club or activity aimed at engaging young people, or you would like UKHarvest to work with you on a specific event through hosting, funding or collaborating, please get in touch via